Tuesday, April 29, 2008

S4E9 - The Shape Of Things To Come

Sorry for the recap delay. Everyone in our household is under the weather. I’ve got some allergy shenanigans going on, Courtney has a cold, and we just found out that our daughter Andra has an ear infection.

Speaking of illnesses, what’s up with Jack? (How about that for a transition?) They kind of glossed over that a bit, but it looks like it may become more serious in the next episode. Of course we know he lives, but is that why he’s one of the ones that gets off the island, because he’s in need of serious medical attention?

[Description: Often surfaces when someone is forced into a leadership role, especially when survival hangs in the balance. This condition is exacerbated by involvement in more than one romantic relationship (see also AMOROUS MULTIPLUS).]
[Symptoms: irritable bowels, severe stomach cramps, permanent five o’clock shadow]
[Cure: stop trying to fix things]

It makes me wonder, once again, what will happen to those who don’t get off the island. Do they elect (or are they forced) to stay behind for some unknown reason? Or do they all get wiped out? A few “extras” certainly bit the bullet when Widmore’s militia came into Locke’s camp, guns blazing, so it very well may be that the Oceanic Six really ARE the only ones to survive. They certainly did a fake-out with Claire. However, I always go back to Charlie’s ghost and his comments to Hurley in the flash forward when he says, “They need your help.” I gotta believe that some folks are still alive, but have to stay behind. Locke, for instance, has plenty of motivation what with his serious case of…

[Description: Specific to an uncharted island in the South Pacific, this disease makes many who come into contact with said island become unhealthily attached to the point where they are willing to remain at all costs.]
[Symptoms: hallucinations, aimless wandering, killing strangers]
[Cure: no known cure, though blowing up a submarine can temporarily suppress symptoms]

I guess Widmore’s militia blows my theory that Ben purposefully led his daughter’s entourage into an ambush. Good for him. However, I’m still bummed that Danielle didn’t pop out of the jungle at the last minute and shoot the militia leader before he plugged Alex. I guess I need to accept she’s gone. I almost felt bad for Ben, but then again he’s still a total weasel, even in trying to call the leader’s bluff. This brings us to his part in this episode, which fills in the gap of how Sayiid came into his employment. What it also does, as is typical for the show, is bring up more questions.

[Description: Answering a question with more than one new question.]
[Symptoms: pulling out chunks of hair, yelling at your TV, repetition of the phrase “Huh?”]
[Cure: series finale (we hope)]

Did he “teleport” into the desert in the beginning? I’m sure we’ll see how he gets that nasty cut on his arm in the “future.” Did he “call” the smoke monster? What was the deal with the “rules” he kept mentioning? I’m sure they have something to do with his comment to Widmore in the end when he said, “I can’t kill you, you know that.” Does this have something to do with time travel? Maybe Widmore does something in the future/past so that if Ben kills him it will undo some important something or other before/later? And what’s the deal with the doctor’s dead body? I had to think if we’d seen him die yet and I guess we haven’t, we only saw Regina jump overboard. Anyway, looks like something that will happen in the “future” on the freighter and he washes ashore in the “past.” Ugh, I wish that everyone involved in time travel would just have a brain aneurism and get it over with.

[Description: A result of exposure to high doses of radiation in combination with proximity to an uncharted island in the South Pacific (see also LOST ISLAND FEVER).]
[Symptoms: confusion, vivid flashbacks, nosebleeds]
[Cure: phone call to an old flame]

I suspect Desmond won’t take too kindly to Ben’s plan for revenge on Widmore. I wonder if the D-meister will also get off the island. Entirely possible since he would not be included in the Oceanic Six simply due to the fact he wasn’t on the flight. If so, that will pose an interesting new role for him as Penny’s protector. Perhaps Widmore would even be down with the idea despite his obvious dislike for him.

Other illnesses known to the island, but asymptomatic in this episode:

[Description: Being so immersed in a traumatizing situation that you fail to ask important questions.]
[Symptoms: ignoring or accepting the extraordinary with little to no need for explanation]
[Cure: asking direct questions such as Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?]

AMOROUS MULTIPLUS (aka Love Triangle, Quadrangle, Pentangle, Hexangle, etc..)
[Description: Condition where attractive people in isolation or captivity simultaneously become romantically involved due to limited options.]
[Symptoms: accelerated heart rate, profuse sweating, excessive blushing, cat fights (in extreme cases)]
[Cure: monogamous relationships, keeping your pants on]