Monday, May 19, 2008

S4E12 - There's No Place Like Home (Part 1)

I feel like a lot happened in this episode, but when I sit down and really think about it, the flurry of activity is a bit of an illusion. In reality, it’s just that the entire cast got to do a little bit of something. Maybe the recap would be easier to manage one character at a time. I’ll try alphabetical order, so as not to appear biased.

Aaron – Is treated to a game of hot potato where he essentially plays the role of “the potato.” Claire abandoned him. Sawyer passed him off to Kate. Kate passed him off to Sun. Dude’s gotta be hungry and to my knowledge there wasn’t any “Dharma pureed peas” on the last rations drop.

Alex – Still dead (shot by Militia dude).

Ana-Lucia – Still dead (shot by Michael).

Arzt, Dr. – Still dead (blown up).

Ben – Leads Locke to the Orchid station in order to “move” the island. Communicates with his people in secret code along the way. Offers himself up to the militia dude as a distraction. Always has a plan, like a shady little bug-eyed boyscout.

Boone – Still dead (fatal leg wound).

Charlie – Still dead (drowned).

Charlotte – Just kind of sits around. Maybe she helps organize the beach evacuation, I’m not sure. Great catch you got there, Daniel.

Christian (Shephard) – Dead-ish. Not present in this episode. Likely kicking back a few brewskies with his estranged love-child.

Claire – Brainwashed? Not present in this episode. Likely kicking back a few brewskies with her estranged and dead-ish father.

Daniel (Faraday) – Organizes the beach evacuation and starts boating survivors to the freighter, six at a time. Too bad it’s full of explosives.

Danielle (Rousseau) – Still dead (shot by Widmore’s militia… hopefully her backstory was not buried with her).

Desmond – Tries to help fix the freighter engines. Goes off to discover what is “blocking” the radar. Finds a cargo-load of C4, ready to blow. Uh-oh.

Eko – Still dead (killed by smoke monster).

Frank – Handcuffed to the chopper. Tells Jack and Sawyer about the militia dude’s plan to kill everyone on the island (aka… “plan B”).

Hugo/Hurley – Follows Ben to the Orchid. In the future: Has a panic attack at his birthday party. Darn those numbers.

Jack – Is convinced Desmond and Sayid are on the chopper and want him to follow. Not so much. Finds Frank and learns of “plan B.” In the future: Delivers a eulogy for his dead-ish father. Discovers he’s Claire’s half-brother and Aaron’s half-uncle. Looks like he has a headache.

Jacob – Not present in this episode. Likely went on vacation. Asked Christian to cabin-sit while he was away. Left him a thank you note and $20 for a beer run.

Jin – Gets rescued only to discover the freighter is rigged with explosives. Warns Sun to move to the far side of the ship as if that will help.

Kate – Follows Jack. Reluctantly takes Aaron and drops him on Sun like a bad habit. Follows Sayid. Gets ambushed by the others. In the future: Sits through an awkward press conference filled with lies. LIES!

Libby – Still dead (accidentally shot by Michael).

Locke – Follows Ben to the Orchid. Looks like a deer in head lights as he receives instructions on how to get into the Orchid station.

Michael – Shares an awkward moment with Jin and Sun. Swears he isn’t “working for Ben.”

Miles – Just wandering through the jungle with Sawyer. Has guns pulled on him, yet again. Poor little weasel.

Naomi – Still dead (knife thrown in the back by Locke).

Nikki – Still dead (bit by a spider then buried alive).

Paulo – Still dead (bit by a spider then buried alive).

Penny – Not present in this episode, but probably waiting by the phone.

Sawyer – Passes Aaron off to Kate in order to help Jack. Is concerned that Hugo’s in danger. Awwww…

Sayid – Lands on the island only to find Jack has run off looking for him. Heads off with Kate to find him. Gets ambushed by the others. Too bad they don’t have cell phones. Seems that would have cleared up a lot of the whos-looking-for-who confusion. In the future: Reunited with Nadia. Enjoy it while it lasts, friend.

Shannon – Still dead (accidentally shot by Ana-Lucia).

Sun – Is in charge of Aaron for the time being. Winds up on a freighter ready to go kablooie. In the future: Buys up shares of her father’s company showing some of her late(?) husband’s badassiness.

Vincent – MIA (where has he been, anyway?).

This episode provided an interesting set up for the finale. Particularly due to “where” everyone was by the end. We know, of course, that the Six get off. We even heard a little bit of the “story” of how they were picked up during that press conference. However, as of “now”, Sun and Aaron are on the freighter, Kate and Sayid are presumably being held prisoner, Jack is at the chopper with Frank, and Hurley is hiding just outside of the Orchid station. It will be interesting to see how they all “find” one another and make it off together.

Two comments in particular I found interesting were Sun’s. First, in the beginning when she said, “We ARE in shock, Jack.” Of course they are, and I’m sure it is in part due to their regret of leaving other people behind, but it seemed like more than that. Also, her comment to her father when she said, “I hold two people responsible for my husband’s death. You’re one of them.” So will Jin really die, then? Hmm… Seems like if she was just saying that to keep up the lie of how the Six were the only survivors, she wouldn’t bother to mention that there was some other person she also holds responsible for Jin’s death.

I guess we’ll have to wait to find out.

Season finale airs next week, May 29th, 9pm-11pm.

Monday, May 12, 2008

S4E11 - Cabin Fever

I know I can get long-winded so I’ve broken my recap into three summary-level options. For those with the time and like to overanalyze like me, please see the long recap. For those who just want the highlights, refer to the medium. Finally, for anyone that just needs a quick fix, scroll to the very bottom.

So, Locke was born 3 months early. It seems there are many “miracles” in John’s life. I can’t remember if it was the first or second season, but I do remember his mom popped in for a surprise visit while he was working in that department store and told him about his dad. The weird thing is, I always thought his dad, being the con that he is, was conning Locke’s mom at the time he knocked her up, but seeing how young she was, I don’t see what his angle would have been. Didn’t Locke’s “grandmother” tell her daughter that so-and-so was twice her age? If Locke’s mom was around 16, then that would make Locke’s dad 32 years older than him. He didn’t seem THAT much older, but whatever, I won’t get too bogged down with that.

Anyway, the biggest what!? in the next two flashbacks was a visit from the island’s very own Richard. I remember thinking it was strange that Richard didn’t seem to age from when Ben originally met him on the island when he was young, but I thought MAYBE they just did a bad job in making him look older, but then again, they did such a good job with Ben’s dad. Well, this is certainly confirmation that Richard is not aging, at least not at a perceptible rate. It also occurs to me if “time-travel” is an option, then he may just be popping around time. His test with young Locke was very interesting. I wonder if any of those items were things that he comes across later on as a kid, or if we will see him with one of these items later on while on the island? It seems like Richard is trying to discover “gifted” children similar to how they wanted to study Walt.

His next flashback was interesting because of the “summer camp” he was invited to. It was hosted by Mittelos labs. I believe that is the same company that Richard was “recruiting” for when he first met with Juliet, so obviously it is a front for island inhabitant candidates.

This brings us to his last flashback and to me, the most intriguing. Another person is now interested in Locke’s miraculous recovery. This time it is the tall black guy, who pretended to be a rep from Oceanic when speaking to Hurley and then later pops up as Naomi’s contact when putting together the freighter expedition for Widmore. At first I thought it was crazy how he, too, didn’t seem to age, but then again, Locke’s accident wasn’t too long before the plane crash so I don’t find it as suspicious as Richard popping up in 1960. However, it did solidify something in my mind, which is how that dude is obviously working for Widmore.

It’s almost like Richard and the black guy (I just read somewhere that his name is Matthew) represent the two sides in some way. You’ve got Richard on Team Island, and Matthew on Team Widmore. If Richard isn’t time traveling and is just preternaturally young, then obviously he’s been working “for the island” in some way shape or form even before Ben came onto the scene.

That wouldn’t surprise me from Ben’s comments to Locke during this episode. I got the impression that the island can “choose” someone, then just as easily “unchoose” them. Perhaps there was some leader of the others/hostiles or whatever you want to call them, even before Ben. His comment about how the island gave him spinal cancer while it healed Locke ties in to Rose’s comments about how it healed her, yet gave Jack an appendicitis. I’m not going to even try to understand the pecking order behind who gets healed and who doesn’t, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Anyway, Locke has a vision of Horrace (same guy that convinced Ben’s dad to come work with Dharma, I think) chopping down trees to build what will be Jacob’s cabin. I don’t know if it was supposed to be spooky because he was “dead”, but the nosebleed he had stood out to me because of the significance it has with time travel on the island. You know, everyone that’s about to die because of too much time travel has a brain aneurism. It turns out it’s a dream (so at least he’s not seeing ghosts), but then again how do we explain who he saw in Jacob’s cabin?

Remember when I said how freaky it would be if the next time we saw Claire she was watching the brain wash video with the others somewhere? Well, strike that, because it was even freakier to see her chilling out with her dead father and a knowing smile on her face. And what’s up with Christian’s advice to Locke about how to save the island? Move it? What’s he going to do, convince all the remaining survivors to gather on the beach and push?

In the meantime, the chopper has arrived back at the freighter and the militia-guy is ready to go all commando. We see how Sayiid escapes in order to get back and rescue his friends (and also potentially why only six can be saved because of the boat’s max capacity). We see why the doctor gets a close shave and also witness the captain getting shot. It seems the only people left on the boat now are Desmond and Michael. Maybe a few extra militia people, but most of them seemed to have left on the chopper.

Looks like Jack and friends may be following the chopper thanks to the tracking sat phone that Frank dropped, Sayiid is on his way to the rescue, Locke is going to come up with some bizarre way to “hide” the island by moving it, and it appears that in the next episode we’ll even see a bit of the Oceanic Six’s homecoming. It really feels this mini-season is wrapping up nicely, though I would say that the new emphasis on time travel has left a sour taste in my mouth.

Locke was a miracle baby. Thank you, March of Dimes!
Richard is either a time-traveller or crazy old.
The head militia-dude is one mean hombre. No secret, there.
Locke is special, sort of.
Mittelos summer camp is fun… if you like being brain washed and held captive.
Matthew isn’t “just an orderly.” Not by a long shot.
Claire plays beer pong with her dead father in Jacob’s cabin.
Locke plans to tie a rope around the island and pull hard.


Monday, May 5, 2008

S4E10 - Something Nice Back Home

Well, it looks like AMOROUS MULTIPLUS finally reared its ugly head in this episode, though it was handled well without having to resort to a cat fight. Of course if you recall, Kate and Juliet already had their knock-down-drag-out in the episode where Juliet was ostracized from the others and the two love-torn ladies woke up in the jungle handcuffed to one another.

Since the revelation of the Oceanic Six, I’ve wondered if Juliet ever winds up making it off the island. Like Desmond, she wouldn’t be considered part of the group of crash survivors so wouldn’t be as “newsworthy”. However, we do know she has major motivation (her sister) to leave.

Anyway, it looks like whatever potential there was to be between Jack and Juliet (aka Jackiet/Juliack) is not in the cards as he winds up with Kate in the future (Jacate/Katack). We kind of already knew he was interested based on their conversation in Kate’s flashforward after the trial, but it looks like he finally gets over his aversion to Aaron and asks her out for that “cup of coffee”… and then some.

But alas, it seems even Katack is not meant to be, thanks in part to Jack’s disturbing visions of his dead father and drinking/jealousy issues. The two most interesting comments to me were in their argument towards the end. “Sawyer made his choice” is the follow up indicator that I was looking for to prove at least some of the survivors that don’t get off the island weren’t dead, but rather stayed behind for a reason. I thought as much already, but the only clue we’d been given so far was the conversation between Hurley (crazy) and Charlie (dead), so you gotta kind of question the source. I wonder what Kate’s promise to Sawyer was? Seeing as he’s had his revenge on the “original“ Sawyer, the only remaining tie to the outside world I can think of is his ex-con girlfriend’s daughter. Perhaps it has something to do with her. Anyway, the other interesting comment was Jack arguing how Kate wasn’t even related to Aaron. Not to get too analytical, but the word choice and the way he delivered the line really made me think that he knows he is Aaron’s uncle at that point. I’m sure we’ll see how he finds out in an upcoming flashforward.

Which of course brings us to Aaron’s mama. I didn’t necessarily believe Claire would be killed (though it would surely explain why they would decide to take Aaron with them), but I also never thought she would just up and disappear into the jungle. Very interesting. I wonder if she’s off getting converted into an island-addict a la Locke while everyone thinks she’s gone for good or dead. Wouldn’t it be freaky if the next time we saw her she was watching a brainwashing video while shacking up at the “Temple” hatch where all the others are apparently hiding now?

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot Charlie’s message to Jack via Hurley, “You’re not supposed to raise him.” For those of you that don’t remember, that is a throw back to season 1, I believe, where the psychic that Claire went to see was adamant that she HAD to be the one to raise her baby and no one else could. Presumably, that is why he tricked her into getting on the plane (under the guise of traveling to the US to give the baby up for adoption), because he knew it would crash and she would be forced to take care of Aaron on her own. Hopefully she’s still alive and well somewhere on the island when/if Aaron returns, otherwise he might turn into some sort of devil-child. Who knows?

One of the highlights of the episode for me was Jin’s exchange with Charlotte. It reminded me of how much of a bada$$ he can be.

I thought it was a pretty good episode, myself, but I’m concerned about the previews for this week. While “time travel” is my public enemy number one, number two would have to be “interacting with dead people.” Not sure if you caught the clip, but it appears that Locke has a nice chat with Jacob who claims to have been dead for a little over a decade. …heavy sigh… Why can’t I just accept that this is a science fiction show and not a documentary on PBS? It would make it a lot easier to swallow at times.