Wednesday, May 19, 2010

S6E15 - What They Died For

This episode answers the question, "What they died for." The "they" meaning not just Jin and Sun, or even Sayid, but anyone who was "called" to the island. Based on the title, and the fact that this episode is only one off from what will hopefully be a fond farewell to the series... an obituary seems only appropriate.

Name: John Locke (aka Jeremy Bentham)
Born: 1956 - teenage mother and con artist father
Died: 2007 - suicide (upon first inspection)
Lifetime Achievements: hunting boar, pushing a button, pushing a wheel that got stuck, blowing up a submarine (once as himself and again as a smoke monster)

Of course the John we know and love (or at least respected for about four seasons until he became whiny and so easily lead astray by Ben) is long gone, but alt-John is still around. After alt-Ben got the alt-crap beat out of hit by alt-Desmond, he too had a vision of his island self.

Okay, I get the rule if your island self dies you can "see" or even if you come into close contact with someone who "wasn't meant to be" like Hurley/Libby, then you "see." I can even handle a near-death experience being the gimmick to make you "see" but now all it takes is just getting knocked around? Alt-lame. Come on. The next thing you know Desmond will just run around stepping on people's toes.

Anyway, from the looks of things, alt-Ben's got a potential alt-love connection with alt-Rousseau who will be sure to not put in as many alt-onions in his alt-dinner next time... if you know what I'm alt-saying. Good for them. Anyway, point being that he tells alt-Locke what alt-Desmond said about letting go and alt-Locke takes it as a sign to finally agree to let alt-Jack help him.

By the way, remind me not to send my daughters to the school where alt-Ben and alt-Locke teach. Worst security ever...

Name: Charles Widmore
Born: 1937
Died: 2007 - shot three times in the gut
Lifetime Achievements: leading a group of people with no clear purpose, building a vast-yet-vague business enterprise, finding an unfindable island (twice)

You know what I totally didn't get about this episode? Ben's sudden switch of allegiance. At first he just seemed resigned to his fate. He was all, "Okay, Widmore beat me to the punch on the C4 idea, which didn't work anyway and hey listen, here he comes to kill us." So he walks outside and calmly sits as if accepting his fate. But then when Flocke doesn't want to kill him, but in fact wants Ben to kill some folks FOR him, Ben just goes along with it? What? So is he just glad he's not dead so going along with whatever is asked of him? I don't get it and that's a total 180 from the "redemption" that he apparently had when deciding to side with Ilana and the candidates way back when. I hope he's just going along as a con.

Anyway, he kills Widmore--who was in the process of whispering sweet nothings in Flocke's ear in exchange for his daughter's life--claiming he "doesn't get to save his daughter." Geez, bitter much? Long story short, what happened to Ben's statement about not being able to kill Widmore because it was against the rules back in season 4? I mean, that's why he threatened to kill Penny in the first place, because he blamed Widmore for Alex's death and couldn't kill him so went after his own daughter instead. I have a feeling that won't be explained and that irks me. The whole who can kill who thing and why irks me.

The big reveal in the end is Widmore's admission that Desmond was a fail safe in case all the candidates died; somehow related to his immunity to high doses of electromagnetism. While dangerous to Flocke in some way, this also apparently equates to being able to destroy the island so it looks like the island timeline's main showdown will be Jack and Flocke both hunting for Desmond.

Name: Zoe ?
Born: 1970ish
Died: 2007 - throat slit by smoke monster in corporeal form
Lifetime Achievements: masters degree in geophysics, successfully kidnapped a Korean

While Zoe is definitely dead, you know who I'm not so sure about? Richard. What do you think? Looks like he kind of just got tossed really hard into the jungle. Oh, and you know who I totally left out of the recap before last whose fate I'm also unsure of...?

Name: Frank Lapidus
Born: 1960ish
Died: ? - possibly drowned after submarine explosion
Lifetime Achievements: binge drinking, sobering up, semi-successfully landing an airplane after partial loss to engine power

I'm assuming he's dead. I mean, he was blown backwards by the submarine bulkhead just before the water came in so I think he joined Jin and Sun in their fate. Speaking of which...

Name: Jin Kwon
Born: 1974 - son of a fisherman and hooker with a heart of gold (minus the gold)
Died: 2004 - supposed freighter explosion AND 2007 - drowned out of sheer stubbornness (or extreme devotion)
Lifetime Achievements: built a raft, drowned voluntarily

Name: Sun Kwon
Born: 1980 - daughter of a Korean mobster for all intents and purposes
Died: 2007 - drowned in a submarine with her husband
Lifetime Achievements: hostile corporate takeover of family business, abandoning only child to pursue hopeless mission

Don't get me wrong, that scene was tragic, but being a parent... I would have spent at least some of my last few moments giving my spouse the third degree for basically choosing to orphan our child. Tough call and everything, but come on dude. Anyway, while we're tallying up submarine fatalities, I might as well include...

Name: Sayid Jarrah
Born: 1967
Died: 2007 - ran with a timebomb as opposed to throwing it very very far away
Lifetime Achievements: blue ribbon in torture school, fell for a shallow white girl, became kind of evil, sacrificed himself in order to protect his friends

This brings me back to the alternate timeline where Desmond voluntarily turns himself in. At first, I thought it was a ruse to get close to Sawyer, but then we see his cellmates Kate and Sayid. He stages a prison break with the help of Hurley and a paid off Ana Lucia and splits up into teams, presumably in a final push to get all the LOSTies back together.

It definitely seems like there's some concert going on that will draw a number of them. Apparently it is a benefit for Pierre Chang's (Miles' dad) museum opening. Jack's son will be playing piano, so there's Jack. Maybe Claire will come along (with her comically-far-too-easy-to-maneuver-pregnancy-suit, I mean seriously Emilie de Ravin... have you actually seen a pregnant woman before portraying one on TV?). As you recall, alt-Daniel is a musician so he could be in attendance as well, thus also roping in Eloise and Widmore. Desmond already bought an outfit for Kate, saying they were going, and I'm assuming Hurley and Sayid will be in charge of rounding up any stragglers like Jin, Sun, Locke, maybe Ben. I also have a theory about Juliet, but I don't want to ruin any surprises. Anyway, it will be interesting how they all get together which apparently is what part of Sunday's finale will reveal.

Name: Jacob
Born: ??? - classical Roman era
Died: 2007 - stabbed by a disillusioned ex-employee
Lifetime Achievements: Guiness Book record holder for most consecutive days of wearing white, creating an evil smoke monster

We already knew the "reason" for the candidates as replacement guardians of the light from last week's episode. And yes, Jack is the chosen one... or the volunteer at least. But I guess two other biggish questions from this season got it's answer in Jacob's fireside chat. Question: How were the candidates chosen? Answer: Jacob just looked for lonely people whose lives sucked. Question: Why was Kate scratched off the list. Answer: Because she became a surrogate mother therefore not quite so lonely or sucky, but it was just a piece of chalk in a cave and if she still wanted the job she could have had it.

The only problem I have with this is Jin and Sun. Granted their marriage was on the skids before they came to the island, but surely after Sun escaped and had Ji Yeon she should have been crossed off. But of course in that case maybe the Kwon in question was Jin just because he presumably could never leave to be with her again so was just the lonely woe-is-me type Jacob was looking for? I dunno. Whatever, though, they're definitely crossed off now.


That's it. I wanted to say more... maybe include some notable obituaries of characters from the past such as Charlie, Rousseau, or Juliet. But alas, I find my creative energies dwindling as the finale draws closer. Perhaps it is for the best.

The Questions and Answers revealed in Jacob's final moments will serve as my inspiration for the finale's recap, but I need your help. This show is--if nothing--a Pandora's box of mysteries. Many questions have been raised, though it seems the answer ratio has been lacking. I suppose the finale will fill some of these gaps, but I'm not so optimistic as to think it will answer everything.

So, in an ambitious effort to potentially divert catastrophe, I will attempt to answer all of your questions. Whether big or small; something that's been itching you since season one or a story hole you need plugged from last night's episode; anything from "Why was Libby in the mental institution?" to "What did the incident have to do with babies and their mothers dying in the third trimester?"; doesn't matter, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll include it and the answer (or at least a plausible one) in my last recap.

Bold claim? Yes. But by golly I'm going to salvage this sinking ship. I just hope that it won't require as much bailing out as I anticipate.

S6E14 - Across the Sea

This episode filled in some blanks on Jacob and his brother's backstory. Guess what else does that... Mad Libs! Print and enjoy.

(body part)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(generic place)
(plural noun)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(plural noun)
(plural noun)
(body part)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(verb w/ ‘ing’)
(nonsense phrase)
(body part)
(body part)

Episode Title: “Across the (noun)”

A woman washes ashore. She is obviously (adjective) based on the size of her (body part) and the way she holds it. She (verb end w/ ‘s’) in a nearby stream when a (adjective) woman finds her and assists her to the nearby (generic place) where she lives. Soon she went into labor and gave birth to twin (plural noun). After swaddling one in (color) and the other in (color), the island woman (verb end w/ ‘s’) their mother.

Years later, the boy with (adjective) clothes finds a (noun) washed up on the beach. He asks his brother, Jacob, if he wants to (verb), but makes him swear not to tell their mother. Jacob agrees, but tells her anyway. When she confronts the boy, she tells him that Jacob confessed, claiming he doesn’t know how to (verb). He wonders where he came from, but his mother claims the island is all there is, adding that being (adjective) is something he’ll never have to worry about.

Later on, the brothers are hunting a (animal) when they encounter a group of (plural noun). They run home to tell their mother and she warns them to stay away because all (same plural noun as last) are (adjective), but she assures them she has made it so the two brothers cannot (verb) each other. After some prompting, she finally leads them to a clearing and shows them a (color) (noun) claiming one of them must protect it.

Some time after, the boys are playing (game) on the beach when a woman appears to the nameless brother. She leads him to a place where a small group of (plural noun) live, claiming they are his people and that she is their (adjective) mother. The brother runs home to tell Jacob the truth, but Jacob doesn’t believe him and punches him in the (body part). Their mother breaks up the fight, telling the brother he’ll never be able to (verb). He says it isn’t true and one day he’ll prove it.

As an adult, Jacob goes to visit his brother where he has been living among his people for (number) years. The brother admits that while insane, their mother was right about people being (adjective) and (adjective). Jacob questions why he’s remained so long and the brother explains that his people have found places on the island where metal behaves (adverb) and that he plans to use it to (same verb as last). Jacob informs his mother of the plan and she visits the brother who shows her a (noun) that they will use to harness the power of the island. She promptly (verb end w/ ‘s’) him then (verb end w/ ‘s’) the village.

Afterwards, the mother wakes up Jacob and leads him to the (noun), claiming it’s his time to protect it while warning that he must never use it because it would be worse than (verb w/ ‘ing’). She then pours him a cup of (fluid), chanting “(nonsense phrase)” and tells him to drink. Once he does, she says they are both (adjective).

Upon discovering the wrecked village, Jacob’s brother returns home and stabs his mother in the (body part) with a (noun). Jacob enters and they begin to (verb). Jacob overpowers his brother and drags him to the (body part) of the island where he pushes him into a (noun). After a moment there is a (adjective) noise and a (color) (noun) monster emerges. Jacob discovers his brother’s (noun) lying on the riverbank and—feeling (adjective) about what he has done—takes it home to bury next to his mother’s. His last words to them both are, “(phrase)”.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

S6E13 - The Candidate

Today is Cinco de Mayo… need I say more?

Beverage Cross-Reference:
Jack – Jack
Hurley – Tequila
Kate – White Whine… uh Wine
Sawyer – Beer
Jin – Gin
Sun – Orange Juice (or Sunny Delight)
Sayid – Vodka
Locke – Light Rum
Flocke – Dark Rum
Claire – Jagermeister
Desmond – Scotch
Aaron – Apple Juice

Drink Menu:
The Post-Op
1 bottle of Light Rum
4 oz. Jack
***Run bottle of rum over with a car. Soak up rum with medical sponge and squeeze back into mended bottle along with Jack.***

On the Island, Jack continues taking the leadership backseat and seems reluctant to get all let-me-fix-it on everybody. However, alternate Jack hasn’t learned that lesson yet and is determined to fix Locke. Not only does he stalk his dentist (Bernard, who seems all creepy zen-like about being on the same flight), but he goes as far as tracking down his dad at a retirement home. Granted he didn’t know at the time whom Anthony Cooper was nor his condition, but still… let it go, dude. Anyway, before leaving the hospital Locke spills the beans about the alternate-life version of his accident and how basically, remaining paralyzed is his way of self-punishment. And that’s just the tip of the tragedy iceberg for this episode.

Hydra Island Special
1 oz. of Jack
2 oz. Vodka
2 oz. Dark Rum
***Pour Jack into a row boat. Add Vodka and Dark Rum. Mix with paddles.***

Jack maintains his reluctance to leave the island, but Flocke convinces him to help his friends like the true master manipulator we now know he is.

The Bear Biscuit
White Wine
Sunny D
***Lock one bottle of each ingredient in a cage. Now lock yourself in the cage. Enjoy each separately until released.***

Why, why, why do people continuously try to shoot Flocke? For real. Anyway, Widmore says he’s locking them up for their own good, but Flocke makes short work of the guards. Oh and what good is a sonic fence if you put the power switch for it on the side your enemy is on? Sheesh.

C4 (shooter)
Dark Rum
***Place rum in a shot glass and light on fire.***

So Flocke makes it to the plane only to find it rigged with explosives. At first I thought it was the work of Richard, Miles, and Ben, but I doubt they could have gotten their hands on C4 plus Widmore’s men were guarding it. The thing I don’t understand is that if Widmore knows what Flocke is trying to do—and therefore really does want to protect the candidates—why would he try to blow up the plane? That would essentially have given Flocke exactly what he wanted. Anyway, this also made me wonder where the heck Richard, Miles, and Ben are now. Still formulating plan B, I assume. It will be interesting to see what they’ve been up to.

The Half-Sister
4 oz. Jack
4 oz. Jagermeister
***Invite your half-sister over to your house. Pour ingredients into a glass, but DO NOT mix. Enjoy.***

I wonder what the music box Christian willed to Claire is about. I don’t think that’s something we know from “reality A” so I guess we’ll see its significance soon. It just seemed too intentional to not mean anything. Unless it was just a plot device in order to allow Jack the opportunity to invite her to stay with him. Half-siblings aside… kind of weird. But you know Claire; willing to carpool with wanted felons and take legal counsel from stalkers. If anything, agreeing to bunk with a half-brother she just met is one of her better ideas.

Anti-Jagerbomb (shooter)
Orange Juice
White Wine
Dark Rum
***Pour the first five ingredients into a pint glass. Shoot the White Wine with a chaser of Jack. Omit the last two ingredients completely.***

At first I just thought something would happen to prevent them from getting on the sub, just like they failed to get on the plane, but Flocke’s plan was far more devious than that. What a nail-biter. While it was upsetting that Sayid did what he did, it was almost necessary in order to redeem his character considering how far he’s drifted this season. In his last words, he gave Jack a recipe for…

The 12-Step Program
1 Bottle of Scotch
***Abandon a bottle of Scotch at the bottom of a well. Do not take a shot.***

So Sayid didn’t kill Desmond after all. We all suspected as much. He tells Jack where to find Desmond, saying he might need him, but the interesting tidbit was at the end when Jack asked why Sayid was telling him this to which he answers, “Because it’s going to be you.” Granted, it’s looking like that more and more, but still… did Sayid know something we don’t?

Classic Gin & Juice
1 part Gin
1 part Orange Juice
***Use submarine as shaker. Mix, but do not pour into separate container.***

And the death toll rises yet again. I guess there’s no reason to get too worked up. After all, there are only two more episodes left until the finale and we still have alternate Jin and Sun to root for, but still… things got a little dusty in the living room (if you know what I’m saying) when I watched their final moments. Just like Charlie started having visions of the Island while on the plane, perhaps Sayid, Jin and Sun will be “open” to such things now that they’re dead too. If the last candidate (Jack or otherwise) winds up saving everyone, that’s fine, but I still want to see everyone band together against Flocke, maybe even against Jacob. If I were them, I’d be tired of all the constant manipulation.

The Candidate
4 oz. Light Rum
8 oz. Tequila
15 oz. Beer
16 oz. Vodka
23 oz. Jack
42 oz. Gin or Orange Juice
***Before mixing, strangle the rum, blow up the Vodka, and submerge the Gin and Orange Juice in water.***

So the candidate list dwindles down to three: Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley. Hopefully not everyone will have to die before it’s down to one. I don’t think I can take Hurley biting the big one, especially. In the meantime, I’m wondering how everyone’s alternate lives will factor in. Surely they won’t just all die on the island and have a happily-ever-after in the alternate, right? That would be a total let down.

The Oceanic Six (aka Lost Island Iced Tea)
1 oz. Jack
1 oz. Tequila
1 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Sunny D
1 oz. White Wine
Add splash of Apple Juice

Not much to do with this episode… I just thought these made for nice drink names.
