Monday, June 2, 2008

S4E13 - There's No Place Like Home (Part 2)

Alas, the summer is officially here and with it, season finales and graduations. It could be said that the Oceanic Six (plus a few others) had a graduation of sorts. Seniors leaving their surreal bubble and moving off to the “real world.” Of course graduation means one thing…


LOST Island High Class of 2004/2005-ish
School Mascot – The Smoke Monsters
School Colors – Ocean Blue, Beach White, and Jungle Green

***[Jack Shepherd]: Plans after graduation – Grow a beard.***

“You can’t leave Jack. You’ll regret it. You know you will.” – John (aka Jeremy Bentham)

And it seems like John’s premonition proves correct. Jack and Hurley’s post-island life takes a turn for the worst, we know. Also, according to John, things go south after the island moves and he blames it on Jack’s leaving. It does make sense that John was the man in the coffin. To me, few people’s death would have elicited such an ambivalent response from Kate. Ben, John, and maybe Michael. Of course Michael got his permission slip to move on (signed by Jacob, delivered by Christian) when the freighter blew. However, seeing John dead was still a surprise simply because of where things were left with him. He totally seemed to be moving into a new leadership role and seemed very content to stay put. Will he have reason to leave the island on occasion, like Ben did and a scattering of others like Tom? Or is he forced to “move” the island, just like Ben had to, so will be officially kicked out at some point?

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

***[Katherine "Kate" Austen]: Plans after graduation – Raise other people’s babies.***

“We’ve had quite a year, huh? I can’t believe you stole Jack from me… JK! You two are cute together. Invite me to the wedding. Ha! BTW, remember that time you helped me perform his appendectomy? Good times! Stay out of trouble! J” – Juliet

Did anybody notice a little moment of chemistry between Juliet and Daniel? Totally a weird match, I know, but there it was. She was all like, “Thank you so much for helping us,” and he said sure and walked off, but totally gave her the over-the-shoulder-look-back. Good for him, he could do better than Charlotte, but Juliet might be a bit out of his league. Sorry, Dan, just my opinion.

“You know I’m not good with this mushy stuff. Don’t forget to do that thing I asked you to do. Yours.” – James (aka Sawyer)

I suppose we’ll see her fulfill that promise to him—whatever it was—sometime next season or the last. Once again, the only off island business he seems to have is with his ex-con girlfriend and their baby girl.

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

***[Hugo “Hurley” Reyes]: Plans after graduation – Go crazy…***

“Take us with you!” – Charlie and Mr. Eko

And who knows what other dead people Hurley is having visions of, poor guy… I totally forgot until just now what was going on with him and Sayid in their flash forward. It seems that Sayid is breaking him out of the mental ward, perhaps as part of Ben’s plan to get them all back together so they can return to the island?

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

***[Sun-Hwa Kwon]: Plans after graduation – Grow a pair. / Avenge husband’s death.***

“Can’t wait to get off this rock and go on the freighter cruise together. Senior trip!” – Jin

While I’m not 100% convinced that Jin is dead, it really did look like bad news bears for him. Let’s say that even if he managed to jump off at the last minute, he certainly didn’t have enough time to swim to the island before it went ghooozjh (that’s my sound effect for disappearing islands). This also makes me wonder about Daniel and the small boat of survivors that were on their way back to the island to escape the immanent explosion. To our knowledge, they were far enough away to be safe, but we never saw them get to shore. I’m sure we’ll see what happens to him (all of the others in his boat were “extras”) next season. He seems to have a good bit of story potential left.

Speaking of freighter people and story potential, they definitely ratcheted up my interest in Charlotte approximately one notch. From her comment to Daniel, it seems like she’s searching for the “place she was born.” Very interesting implications if that’s supposed to be the island, what with the baby complications and all.

“Good for you for sticking out your last few months here even though you got knocked up. Heard you’re going on the Senior trip. Me too! Last time I was on a cruise, though, I got food poisoning. Shellfish. Yuck! Hopefully nothing bad will happen on the freighter. Cross your fingers!” – Michael

Sun had the most interesting flash forward, to me. We see her in a very different light than we have in the past. Very corporate-femme-fatale. Nice. Her interaction with Widmore was intriguing. He seems to know her father very well and she seems to have done her homework too. Is she setting him up, perhaps? Or does she hold Ben indirectly responsible for her husband’s death? That is assuming that Ben is the one she was alluding to when she said, “You know we weren’t the only ones to make it off the island…” Then again, when Jack was speaking to Ben at the funeral home, he made it seem like Sun held him (Jack) responsible for Jin’s death. Not too far of a stretch since he was the one so adamant about not going back to the freighter after the chopper took off. Anyway, so who knows who she’s really mad at, but the thought of her going over to Widmore’s side to somehow avenge Jin’s death is an interesting twist.

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

***[Sayid Jarrah]: Plans after graduation – Killing spree.***

“Hey, dude. You should totally come visit me sometime after we get outta here. Have a great summer!” – Hurley

Lucky for Hurley, Sayid always visits his friends while packing heat. If that break out really was part of Ben’s bigger plan to return to the island (we all know he always has a plan), then it seems like the most difficult people to convince would be Kate and potentially Sun. Of course Hurley seemed very reluctant as well, so next season will be very interesting how they all come to accept the fact they need to go back, that is assuming they do. Kate, obviously has the difficulty of being on probation for 10 years. She can’t leave the state as part of her sentencing. Sun very well could be working for Widmore, so that’s an obvious hurdle, although if Widmore is still trying to find the island she may agree to go along while acting as a double agent. Interesting.

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

***[Desmond Hume]: Plans after graduation – Hook up with high school sweetheart.***

“See you in another life, brother.” – Jack

One thing that wasn’t cleared up for me was the whole, 8/6 survivors thing. The 8 totally made sense at first because the people who got rescued were the Oceanic Six plus Desmond and Frank the pilot. But only the Oceanic Six made it to shore on Amibia or wherever that was, so I don’t get why they even needed to bother lying about 2 other bodies when there were no bodies with them when they made it to civilization. Plot hole, anyone? Maybe I missed something.

Anyway, I’m psyched about Desmond making it off, but I don’t think we’re done with his story by a long shot. Especially if Ben plans on making good on his threat to Widmore about killing Penny, it totally makes sense that Desmond would have to be her protector. More to come on that, I’m sure.

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

***[Benjamin “Ben” Linus]: Plans after graduation – Immediately start planning 5 year reunion.***

“Sorry to see you go. Hear you’re going somewhere cold. Have the best summer ever!” – John (aka Jeremy Bentham)

That whole moving the island thing was interesting. Nice visual effect too. At first I thought Ben could just jump through space and time all willy-nilly, but it seems that maybe he’s just gotten off by “regular” means in the past but when he moved the island, he was subject to a “random” jump. As we know, he jumped a bit into the future, after the Oceanic Six returned. The impression is he was permanently ousted from the island at that point so maybe that’s the only bit of time/space travel he’s ever really done and that’s all he’ll be doing. Fine by me.

However, I don’t think the writers are completely done with time travel. Daniel, especially, seems a likely candidate.

“Stay sweet!” – Charlotte Lewis

Cutest Guy – James “Sawyer” Ford
Cutest Girl – Kate Austen
Most Likely To Succeed – Jack Shepherd
Best Hair – Juliet Burke
Nerdiest – Daniel Farraday
Best Couple – Sun / Jin Kwon
Creepiest Eyes – Benjamin Linus
Best Sense of Humor – Hugo Reyes
Most Likely To Blow Up Your Submarine – John Locke

The ballots aren’t all counted so feel free to send in additional comments or nominate these or other survivors for class superlatives.

Until next season, kids…