Friday, March 21, 2008

S4E8 - Meet Kevin Johnson

So, Michael goes through all of that mess, killing Ana Lucia and Libby, freeing Ben, leading Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Hurley into an ambush, getting off the island safely with his son, but then feels guilty about what he did (and rightly so), but is going to essentially throw all of that away by trying to kill himself. What an idiot. I don’t know why the island would even bother to keep him alive.

Want to know what his note to Walt said?
“Dear Walt, Sorry I’m such a lame-wad. Love, Dad.”

Granted, life on the lam probably isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, just ask Kate, but even SHE knows the value of life (even if it’s just the value of staying alive for someone of whom you are a pseudo-parent). You don’t see her getting off the island and finally being free of the charges against her only to go home and pin a note to her shirt addressed to Aaron saying she’s guilty she left everyone on the island behind in order to save her own sorry butt so she thinks it’s best to just sign off early and leave him to fend for himself, parentless. Nope. She’s all like, “Cool, I’m not a wanted felon anymore, now I get to stay home and play mom.”

Perhaps I’m being unfair as Kate likely doesn’t kill anyone in order to save herself, but then again, there is definitely the impression that they leave folks behind (presumably “alive”) to their own fates for whatever reason. The preview for the rest of the season even suggested that we’ll see how the Oceanic Six escape, though I wasn’t expecting that reveal so soon. Makes you wonder what the last two seasons will look like.

Anyway, there didn’t seem to be that much surprise in Michael’s flashback. It did fill in the expected gap of how he came to be on the freighter, but I don’t feel there was anything too shocking or new in that. We did see Tom off the island, which was mildly interesting, but not much else. It was curious to hear Tom’s side of the story, about how Widmore was the one that staged the wreckage. At this point, I’m not sure which side to believe, but if anything, Ben has earned more doubt points than anyone else on the show.

And speaking of which, that brings us to the death(s) at the end of the episode, which is what I had the most problem with. As for Carl, whatever… you could totally see Ben’s wheels turning when he saw how “familiar” he was being with Alex. I don’t doubt that Ben cares for his fake-daughter in a way and I can understand his concern about her having any kind of close relationship, especially when the promise of her getting pregnant on the island means certain death, but for all of his talk with Michael about not wanting to harm any “innocent people”, I TOTALLY think he lead Alex, Carl, and Danielle into a trap. Now that he’s free, he could have easily radioed ahead to his people at the Temple and said, “Hey guys, hope things are okay without me. FYI, I’m sending my daughter your way so if you could just knock off her boyfriend and mom when you see them, that would be great. Later, gator!” Now I’m not positive if that’s what the deal was, but it does seem super convenient, don’t you think? I can’t think of who else could be responsible, anyway. All of the freighter folks are accounted for, except for the chopper pilot that went on a “secret mission”, but that doesn’t seem to be his style.

Anyway, my biggest complaint was Danielle being shot. Of course we’re not positive she’s dead, but she certainly looked it. I feel like there was SO much flashback potential with her. Think about it, we would get to see how her research vessel came to crash or get stranded there, we’d see how the others managed to take Alex in the first place, and the biggest mystery in her past was the “sickness” that she said effected the entire science team she was with. I think she even suggested that she had to kill them all or something. If we don’t get to see that, I will be hugely disappointed. Not that she can’t work into someone else’s flashback somehow, but even so, her death didn’t honor how cool her character was (or could have been if they had bothered to develop her).

One thing I will say, Danielle and Ben were having a fierce staring contest right before they made the decision to leave for the Temple. I can’t remember the timing of her pregnancy or if they even explained that—you would think that if she met Ben and did the hoky-poky while on the island then she would have died like all the other pregnant women—but I wouldn’t be too surprised if they work out some way for Ben to be Alex’s real father somehow. Maybe not, because I think I remember Danielle alluded to the fact that she had to kill Alex’s “father” due to the sickness. Alas, we may never know. Arggghhh.

No more episodes until late April. Maybe that’s good. I feel like I need a mental break.

Later, gator.

Monday, March 17, 2008

S4E7 - Ji Yeon

$5 to everyone that called Michael as the mole. Unfortunately, that’s a lot of money to hand out. Don’t get me wrong, I think having Michael back in the picture is an interesting twist, but it’s a little of a let down at how predictable it was. If I were one of the writers, I would have had him in the episode, but it would have been as Sun’s new husband. Who could forget the pseudo-chemistry they had in Season 1? Anyway, the real interest in having Michael back is to see everyone’s reaction to him after what he did. I guess we’ll get to see a bit of that even though he’s on the freighter and not truly off the island. I’m still interested to see his backstory as I’m sure we’ll get a flashback to what the “real” deal between him and Ben was and what got him from then to now. I just wonder if “Tall Walt” is hanging out on the boat or if he’s safe and sound somewhere else. To me, the biggest revelation on the freighter was the Captain’s comment about the staged wreckage. We all knew it was staged, but I for one, thought the Dharma initiative or Widmore or whatever/whoever you want to call the outside forces, were responsible, wanting the island all to themselves. However, if we are to believe him, the Captain indicated that Ben was the one responsible. It makes sense after I thought about it. Ben certainly has the resources to pull it off and the motivation to remain undiscovered.

Anyway, though Michael was a fairly easy call, the episode did not disappoint on other twists. I had a suspicion that all was not as it appeared with the flash forward. At first I thought I was wrong about counting Aaron as one of the Oceanic Six since Sun AND Jin would make it seven. But then, when I started thinking of everyone else’s flash forwards, I thought how everyone so far (except Kate who managed to escape her fate, but I’m not counting her out) has a really crappy life post-rescue, so I was thinking Sun and Jin were divorced. What really happened was even more surprising/confusing. Once I realized Jin and Sun were not “together” I thought maybe Jin was working for Ben post-island just like Sayid. This ties in perfectly with his reconciliatory comment to Sun when he said, “I will do anything I can to protect my wife and child,” or some such thing like that. It also makes sense that with Ben’s apparent resources, he could get Jin off the island without anyone knowing. However, if all that is true, then why was he so smiley about being newly married? When Jin and Hurley went to visit his grave, I thought maybe she was just faking it to save face, but it was pretty obvious that she truly believed he was dead. This brings up an interesting possibility, that other folks may make it off the island, but fly under the radar somehow for some reason and are not counted as part of the Oceanic Six.

So, in true LOST-fashion, by the end of the episode we are left with new questions.

Is/Was Jin part of the Oceanic Six?
Why did he fake his death?
Is he working for Ben like Sayid?
When Hurley found out no one else (I’m assuming of the survivors) were coming to see Sun’s baby, he said, “Good.” Why?
Did anyone else make it off the island incognito without being counted as one of the “six”?
What was up with that Regina lady? Just a bad case of “cabin fever” or something else?
What was up with the cut/bite mark(?) on the doctor’s face?
Where’s Walt? Will he be six foot three and sporting a beard the next time we see him?
And, in case you caught the preview, who will die in the next episode?

My money is on Michael to kick the bucket, but only because I think the episode will center on him and he’ll probably do something heroic or resolve some issues he has from the past, which of course on this show means he’s toast.


Okay, so someone brought to my attention that in actuality all of Sun’s flashes were forward and all of Jin’s were backward to when he and Sun were newly married…?

Am I the only one that didn’t get that?

I suppose that makes a lot of sense because I couldn’t fathom how/why Jin would get off the island undercover and why he would fake his death. Was Paik Automotive the company that Sun’s father owned? I don’t remember that being the name of it, but I guess it’s true. We just tagged along while he ran an errand for his “new” father-in-law in the past while his “widow” in the future birthed his child.

If that’s the case, then we know at some point Jin for-real-dies, either on the island or off if they’re counting him as part of the Oceanic Six or not. Maybe he’s the one that dies next week, though it seems too soon to reveal that he WILL die and then BAM he kicks it in the next episode.

Whatever, at this point, I’m too confused to think any more.

How awesome would it be, though, if my original assumption was true? Makes you wonder what kind of shenanigans will occur in the future for him to have such a falling out with Sun that he fakes his own death and remarries. But alas, he’s just plain (soon-to-be) dead.

If one more cooky or confusing thing with “time” happens this season, I may be liable to hunt down J.J. Abrams and punch him in the face.

Monday, March 10, 2008

S4E6 - The Other Woman

So, Juliet is a homewrecker. Okay.

I enjoyed the typical fake out in the beginning when you think they’re in one place, but they’re really somewhere else. The therapy session made you think Juliet was adjusting to the “celebrity” of being off the island, but really if you think about it, she wouldn’t be big news. She wasn’t on the flight so it’s not like she survived a plane crash and was thought dead. She’s just some chick that made a really poor career change.

And that whole stuff between her and Ben was a little much. I mean, I always got the impression that Ben had a little crush on her and I suppose this is confirmation, but for him to yell “You’re mine” towards the end seemed a bit un-Ben-like to me. The interesting thing that was mentioned almost in passing was the bitchy therapist, Harper, saying that of course Ben likes Juliet because she looks “just like her.” Hmm… I remember some little girl that he made friends with when he was young on the island, but once we was grown up and gassed everyone, you never saw her again. Could it be that she was killed as a result of his betrayal and he’s obsessed with Juliet because she looks like her?

I feel like this is what the whiteboard looks like after soap opera planning meetings.

Kate <-> Jack
......... Sawyer ...... Juliet <- Ben
................... /
Harper -> Goodwin

Juliet’s motivation for wanting Ben dead (as was obvious from her attempt to convince Jack to let him die on the operating table last season) is a lot more clear now.

You know, I was thinking the other day about all of the loose ends left to tie up and the whole whispers thing came to mind. No one was there, whisper whisper, bitchy therapist pops up (and Jack sees her too), she chit chats Juliet, whisper whisper, she’s gone. So what… it’s a form of travel? The others can hop aboard the Whisper Express and scoot around the island at the speed of sound? I believe Sayid was the first to hear them, though no one from his past popped out of the jungle immediately afterwards. Anyway, not sure what’s up with that.

I used to like Locke… well, mostly in the first season. But he’s really gone off the deep end and now he just kind of seems aimless and crazy. I always wish he would do something cool when confronting Ben (like shove a grenade in his mouth like he did with Miles) or be wily enough to outsmart him just once, but Ben always seems to have the upper hand. No surprise because Ben is an awesome manipulator, but either way, it just makes Locke look more and more pathetic and that’s no fun to watch.

So, if you didn’t know, the Widmore guy on the video that Ben showed Locke is Penny’s dad. That definitely confirms his suspected interest in the island, though I’m still not sure if he’s the one that also funded (or is funding) the Dharma Initiative. Either way, that seems like the biggest new piece of the puzzle. The interesting thing to me is that Desmond reached the island supposedly “by accident” when his estranged-pseudo-father-in-law has been looking for it presumably for years.

I thought the others (back when they were referred to as “the hostiles”) had gassed the Dharma folks with canisters thanks to Ben’s assistance. I could be wrong. Maybe Ben just gave “the hostiles” (who we really only know to be that Richard guy that doesn’t seem to age) access to the Tempest and they flipped the switch to release enough gas to wipe everyone out. I wouldn’t put it passed Ben to do something like that again if he wants to keep the island a secret so badly.

That’s about it…

The end.

By the way, my guess is that they DID count Aaron as one of the Oceanic Six because the preview for this week mentioned we would learn the last member. I debated back and forth if they counted Kate a few weeks ago because technically we already knew her. Anyway, so that means it is:

My guess is Sun just because it looked like Juliet was driving home the point that she needed to get off the island pronto before she and the baby died. I guess we also find out who Ben’s man on the boat is.