Friday, February 1, 2008

S4E1 - Beginning Of The End

So another season of LOST is upon us. It’s been so long, I may have lost my recap skills. I feel there were a number of “red flag” details that I was afraid I’d forget. If I have to start watching with a pen and paper handy, shoot me. Anyway, here goes…

Red Flag Numero Uno:
We are treated to a Hurley flash forward and he yells about being one of the “Oceanic Six” (is that like a supped-up version of the “Fantastic Four”… or perhaps a lackluster version of “Ocean’s Twelve”?) Anyway, I guess the assumption here is that only 6 of the original survivors actually make it off the island. We know Jack and Kate from Jack’s flash forward last season, and now Hurley. In last year’s finale Kate had mentioned a “him” to Jack when she said she had to get back to someone. The temptation is to think that’s Sawyer, but really it could be anyone. It could even be her unborn son… ***insert dramatic soap opera music***. The only thing I wonder, though, is if there truly are only 6 people that make it off the island, and the show continues with the flash forwarding for the rest of the series (there would be a nice symmetry to that, first 3 years in the past, last 3 years in the future) then will we be limited to flash forwards of Jack, Kate, Hurley, and 3 other folks?

Red Flag 2:
The “Oceanic Legal Rep” forgot his business card at home. How convenient. My theory is that he must represent the Dharma Initiative (even though it was essentially defunct on the island doesn’t mean there aren’t people still funding or behind the research off the island) or at least SOME interested party that knows about the island’s secret, whatever the hell that is, and still has a vested interest. The flag is especially waved when he leans in and asks, “Are they still alive?” or something to that effect. This maybe ties in with two other conversations in the episode, which I shall flag now.

Red Flag C:
Hurley see’s Charlie’s ghost. So it’s pretty confirmed that Charlie is dead. I know some folks may have questioned that, but I’m thinking he’s kaput. Anyway, he apparently is trying to convince Hurley that “they need your help.” I can only assume the “they” is the “they” that the fake legal rep dude was referring to. By the way, Charlie looked way more hip dead than he ever did when he was a living breathing rock star.

Red Flag the fourth:
Jack stops by for a friendly game of HORSE. While I feel Jack was genuinely concerned for his friend, apparently there may have been an ulterior motive for the visit. “You want to make sure I didn’t tell anybody?” Hugo asks. Hmm… I’m assuming this is also in reference to the “they” who apparently are still alive and perhaps in trouble.

So what does it all mean? Of course, we have no clue. Even though we believe only six get off the island, it’s not to say everyone else is dead. Many may have chosen to stay voluntarily, Locke and Rose/Bernard for example. Of course then the question is, why lie about it? This likely plays into the bigger “secret” of the island. Anyway, the writer’s are definitely playing up the fact that even when they get off the island, they’ll have to go back. It’s already interesting to see Jack so against it in what is presumably the “earlier” version of the future versus where we saw him in the season finale last year when he is convinced they made a mistake by leaving. I wonder if Kate and the “other three” survivors will come to feel that way as well.

(smaller flags, not necessarily red, but fun to note)
Black and Blue Flag:
Danielle gives Ben a big rifle butt against the head when he says, “Get my daughter as far away from here as possible.” Boo-yah, Ben! She ain’t yo baby!

Random Flag:
The investigator questioning Hurley was Ana Lucia’s ex-partner. I wonder how many “future connections” people will have with each other?

Warm Fuzzy Flag:
Sawyer’s attempt to comfort Hurley was pretty touching.

Bizarro Flag:
Hurley sees Jacob’s shack in the jungle, multiple times. Was that Locke’s head that popped up in the window? That Jacob stuff is still weird to me.

I’ve heard they have 8 episodes “in the can” which represents half of the anticipated season’s length. Hopefully the strike will come to an end in time for them to write/film/produce the remaining 8.

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