Monday, March 10, 2008

S4E6 - The Other Woman

So, Juliet is a homewrecker. Okay.

I enjoyed the typical fake out in the beginning when you think they’re in one place, but they’re really somewhere else. The therapy session made you think Juliet was adjusting to the “celebrity” of being off the island, but really if you think about it, she wouldn’t be big news. She wasn’t on the flight so it’s not like she survived a plane crash and was thought dead. She’s just some chick that made a really poor career change.

And that whole stuff between her and Ben was a little much. I mean, I always got the impression that Ben had a little crush on her and I suppose this is confirmation, but for him to yell “You’re mine” towards the end seemed a bit un-Ben-like to me. The interesting thing that was mentioned almost in passing was the bitchy therapist, Harper, saying that of course Ben likes Juliet because she looks “just like her.” Hmm… I remember some little girl that he made friends with when he was young on the island, but once we was grown up and gassed everyone, you never saw her again. Could it be that she was killed as a result of his betrayal and he’s obsessed with Juliet because she looks like her?

I feel like this is what the whiteboard looks like after soap opera planning meetings.

Kate <-> Jack
......... Sawyer ...... Juliet <- Ben
................... /
Harper -> Goodwin

Juliet’s motivation for wanting Ben dead (as was obvious from her attempt to convince Jack to let him die on the operating table last season) is a lot more clear now.

You know, I was thinking the other day about all of the loose ends left to tie up and the whole whispers thing came to mind. No one was there, whisper whisper, bitchy therapist pops up (and Jack sees her too), she chit chats Juliet, whisper whisper, she’s gone. So what… it’s a form of travel? The others can hop aboard the Whisper Express and scoot around the island at the speed of sound? I believe Sayid was the first to hear them, though no one from his past popped out of the jungle immediately afterwards. Anyway, not sure what’s up with that.

I used to like Locke… well, mostly in the first season. But he’s really gone off the deep end and now he just kind of seems aimless and crazy. I always wish he would do something cool when confronting Ben (like shove a grenade in his mouth like he did with Miles) or be wily enough to outsmart him just once, but Ben always seems to have the upper hand. No surprise because Ben is an awesome manipulator, but either way, it just makes Locke look more and more pathetic and that’s no fun to watch.

So, if you didn’t know, the Widmore guy on the video that Ben showed Locke is Penny’s dad. That definitely confirms his suspected interest in the island, though I’m still not sure if he’s the one that also funded (or is funding) the Dharma Initiative. Either way, that seems like the biggest new piece of the puzzle. The interesting thing to me is that Desmond reached the island supposedly “by accident” when his estranged-pseudo-father-in-law has been looking for it presumably for years.

I thought the others (back when they were referred to as “the hostiles”) had gassed the Dharma folks with canisters thanks to Ben’s assistance. I could be wrong. Maybe Ben just gave “the hostiles” (who we really only know to be that Richard guy that doesn’t seem to age) access to the Tempest and they flipped the switch to release enough gas to wipe everyone out. I wouldn’t put it passed Ben to do something like that again if he wants to keep the island a secret so badly.

That’s about it…

The end.

By the way, my guess is that they DID count Aaron as one of the Oceanic Six because the preview for this week mentioned we would learn the last member. I debated back and forth if they counted Kate a few weeks ago because technically we already knew her. Anyway, so that means it is:

My guess is Sun just because it looked like Juliet was driving home the point that she needed to get off the island pronto before she and the baby died. I guess we also find out who Ben’s man on the boat is.

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