Wednesday, March 25, 2009

S5E10 - He's Our You

Don't drive too fast or you'll miss the sign. What sign, you ask? The sign that says:

"Welcome to Paradox Town"
Population: 0
Main Export: Craziness
Town Motto: "Whatever Happened Schmappened"
Sister City: Dharmaville

Egads! Definitely didn't see that coming. I knew that Sayid wasn't going to take Ben with him, simply because we know from Season 3 that Ben is supposed to remain with the Dharma Initiative well into his young adult life when he allows the Hostiles to infiltrate the barracks while he carts his dad up to a secluded part of the jungle and gasses him too.

The obvious question of course, does all of that still "happen" if young Ben truly is dead? Unless they're going to toss Faraday's blathering about the rules out the window, then young Ben's body is going to have to be discovered and resuscitated by the Dharma folks or the Island, itself, will have to "bring him back" just like it did Locke and presumably Jack's dad.

Whatever happened happened... unless you're Desmond because a different set of rules apply to him... oh yeah, and if you want to kill someone who is supposed to be alive in the future, then a third set of rules factor in... or if you wanted to travel to the day you were born and shoot yourself between the eyes, just for kicks, we've got you covered because then there's a FOURTH set of rules that absolutely CANNOT be broken... we're serious... unless you buy us a pizza... then we'll let you assassinate just about anybody you want.

What I'm really hoping is that young Ben will either naturally or miraculously survive the gunshot, because if he doesn't, in the immortal words of Ricky Ricardo, "You have some splain'in to do, Lucy."

Sorry for the long intro before the recap, but I just had to get that off my chest. I'll try to keep the rest short and sweet. Like the Sweet 16 of March Madness... (how's THAT for a transition?):

Here are the brackets.

Sawyer vs Sayid
This round goes to Sayid, hands down. He's not interested in the trumped up story that Sawyer has to offer and he ain't budgin'.

Adult Ben vs Widmore
Ben wins this one. Presumably the Russian was the last of Widmore's people that he wanted Sayid to kill and he's done with him, just like that.

Kate vs Jack
Jack knew about Sawyer and Juliet's relationship, but didn't share it with Kate. Big deal. She's supposedly over him anyway, right? Jack wins by unfair advantage.

Hurley vs Jack
But then Jack is immediately wiped out by Hurley in round two with Hurley's hilarious comment "They live together like not as roommates," followed by "I could totally see that coming."

Roger Linus (Ben's Dad) vs Sayid
I have to give this one to Sayid.
Roger: "You guys are supposed to be kings of the jungle and you got caught by these Dharma idiots?"
Sayid: "Yet you're the one mopping their floors."

Roger vs Young Ben
Roger then turns his anger towards an easier target, his own son. Victory for Roger, but a hollow one. I forgot how much Ben hated him.

Adult Ben vs Sayid
Ben tracks Sayid down and tries to convince him that Locke was murdered by Widmore's people in "retribution" for their past actions and that Hurley may be next if he does not "intervene." Sayid won't take the bait, but as we know he does actually bust Hurley out of the psych ward shortly after this, so we'll call it a draw.

Sawyer vs Sayid
Round three rematch between Sawyer and Sayid goes to Sawyer, but only because he was armed with a taser.

Oldham (Dharma torture guy) vs Sayid
Sayid finally eeks out a win this round. However, only on a technicality. For all intents and purposes, Oldham got the information he needed, it was just too crazy to be believed.

Kate vs Juliet
Not nearly the cat fight that the deviously edited preview had me believe. Strained civility, more like. Juliet is friendly, but still able to work the phrase "stay away" into conversation to make her point. Clever girl. Juliet wins. (Note: Juliet not only wins the conversation, but would have also won had it been a wrestling match, a spelling bee, or a best-hair competition.)

Everyone vs Sawyer
Sorry, Sawyer. You were outvoted. Sayid's goin' down.

Sayid vs Ilana
Sorry, Sayid. You were outsmarted. Nice boots, Ilana.

Sawyer vs Sayid
Final showdown between the two goes to Sayid who turns down Sawyer's offer of escape, saying he's there for a reason.

Sawyer vs Kate
Sawyer asks Kate about her own reasons for returning, but mum's the word. You win for now, Kate, but I'm sure we'll see your reasons soon enough, just as we saw Sayid's.

Sayid vs Jin
I wonder if Jin was really going to warn Sawyer over the radio or not. Either way, Sayid wins again.

Sayid vs Young Ben
We all know the outcome of this. Young Ben loses after a potentially fatal gunshot wound to the chest... or does he? For now, we are unsure of his fate. If he survives, the victory goes to him and Sayid loses. If he dies, EVERYONE loses because that, my friends, is a paradox. And when it comes to F-ing with time like that... nobody is a winner.


  1. how come he had a taser in 1973?

  2. opps i ment to say 1977

  3. Good point. I just hopped on Wikipedia and it says the taser was developed starting in 1969, completed in 1974 and classified as an official "firearm" by 1976 so I guess it's legit.

    However, I'll bet that like cell phones, the first taser was a big bear of a gadget and nothing like that sleek little pocket-sized device Sawyer had on him!!

  4. Wow! I've got to read more of your comments. No wonder I can only think of the current episode - if you bring all the others into it it gets so....comfusing. Anyway, the young Ben getting shot is sure to throw a wrench into it - unless they do the whimpy thing and let the island cure him. Actually, it's almost he "Lost" way to not let that happen - because then they've got to do ALL the episodes over again considering Ben dies and show everythiing that changes. Isnt' that more like it?

  5. Ha! Wouldn't that be funny? If young Ben really does die and the rest of the series is just replaying each episode he's been in with him edited out.

    My "crazy" theory is that if Ben does die, then this may be "the incident" that will eventually cause all of the pregnancy issues on the island.

    Think about it. Ben will now never become leader of the others and never recruit people to come to the island. Therefore, whoever (in the future) met and conceived a child while on the island thanks to Ben, will now never get that chance. It's kind of like the paradox catching up with them and wiping out any children that Ben (indirectly) had an influence on being alive.

    Far out, I know. It's more likely that young Ben will somehow survive... er... right?
