Wednesday, April 21, 2010

S6E12 - The Last Recruit

I've wanted to do this recap theme for a while, but no episode seemed momentous enough… that is until last night’s episode came along. Not that there were any huge revelations falling from the sky, but just focusing a little bit on everyone like they did gave me a high-speed-buckle-your-seat-belt-and-grip-the-arms-of-the-sofa feeling. Anyway, without further adieu, may I present…


Hugo, Sun, Frank, and Jack walk into a bar. The bartender (played by Flocke) says, “What’ll ya have?” Jack orders a water. The bartender leaves and returns a few minutes later, handing him a backpack. “What’s this for?” Jack asks. The bartender smiles then turns into Jack’s dead father and says, “If you need water, I figure I’d lead you to it.”

So, Flocke admits that he “posed” as Christian when the plane first crashed in order to lead Jack to water so the LOSTies could survive. If true, that’s one point in Flocke’s recently suffering benevolent column. Though Jack seemed to be waiver on whether or not to join Camp Flocke, Claire seemed to think the decision was made as soon as he spoke to him. Another interesting reference to that whole, “Kill him before he speaks to you” thing, don’t you think? I especially thought it was interesting in the beginning when Sun seemed to recognize (and fear) Locke as they were both being rushed into the hospital. Further evidence of alternate lives merging?

“Who’s there?”
“Flocke.”“Flocke who?”
“Flock to me, all ye who want to escape.”

Flocke had his fair share of nice and naughty this episode. On one hand, he ordered Desmond’s murder. On the other hand, he saved Jack at the end. But if it’s true that Desmond is a threat to him and that he needs Jack (and the other candidates) in order to leave, it’s all ultimately about serving his own selfish needs. And what about that air strike that Zoe threatened him with? Duh, bullets bounce off him and knifes have no effect. What’s an oversized grenade supposed to do? Seems like that was more of a threat to his followers than to him.

A cop catches an attractive female criminal whom he attempts to flirt with. “Is your mom a criminal too?” he asks. The criminal says, “No, why?” “Because she stole the stars and put them in your eyes.” The criminal thinks about this for a moment then asks, “Are you huge fan of marsupials?” The cop says, “No, why?” “Just curious why you went to Australia.” Any further flirtatious dialogue ground to a halt.

Sawyer interrogates/flirts with Kate… interroflirts?... no wait, inflirtogates. Nice. Anyway, Miles pulls him away to show footage of Sayid fleeing the scene of a triple homicide. I’m digging how people are starting to intersect more and more in the alternate life. Especially when you consider Desmond’s new role… makes you wonder if something major is going to get them ALL together soon. Speaking of which…

How many lawyers does it take to find your long lost half-sister?
Desmond will just do it for you.

Let’s see, in this episode, alone, we’ve got a Kate/Sawyer, Sawyer/Sayid, Jack/Claire, and Jack/Locke intersection. Not to mention a nice touch with Ilana as the lawyer.

An Iraqi finds a leprechaun trapped in the bottom of a well. The leprechaun says, “Hey, brotha. If you let me out, I’ll grant you three wishes.” The Iraqi says, “I wish my dead wife were alive again.” The leprechaun says, “I’m sorry, brotha, but I can’t bring the dead back. What’s your next wish?” The Iraqi says, “I wish I had a gun.” The leprechaun says, “That’s easy,” and a gun appears in the Iraqi’s hand. “What’s your last wish?” The Iraqi points the gun at the leprechaun and says, “I wish you farewell.”

While I doubt Sayid killed Desmond, it also seems doubtful that a guilt-trip would be enough to persuade Sayid to spare his life. He definitely didn’t look like he was on his way to rejoin the group when Locke found him. I’ll bet he set him free or at least was on his way to find a vine to dangle down the well or something. Either way, even if he is dead, we still have alternate Desmond working his matchmaking magic.

You might be a redneck if…
you wear a rifle when you go swimming instead of a bathing suit.

Was I the only one bothered when Sawyer went for a dip in the ocean with his gun? Granted, I’m no expert on firearms, but I’d at least be mildly concerned about wetting a weapon that essentially relies on making fire in order to ignite a dry powder.

How many people does it take to escape from a mysterious island?
Two to steal a boat. Four to sneak away. And one to pull a gun on everyone until she can be convinced to tag along.

I’m glad Kate stood up for Claire and insisted that she be included. Her little speech was icing on her character-redeeming-flavored cake, though I must say she’s slid so low in my opinion, I now find her merely tolerable at best. But hey, that’s an improvement.

What do you call a dumb blonde with 2 brain cells?

Is it me, or did Claire give in waaaaay too easily to suspiciously free legal counsel from a man that from all appearances is stalking her? Geez… factor that in with her accepting a ride from Kate, the woman that hijacked her taxi, and you’ve got one fairly dumb blonde on your hands (no offense to all of you smart blondes out there). By the way, did anyone else laugh out loud when Hurley gave her a hug and said, “Wow, Claire… you look uh… great!” – not to mention the line where Sawyer said Frank looks like he “walked off the set of a Bert Reynolds movie.” Classic.

What did the Korean man say to his Korean girlfriend who got shot and almost lost their lovechild?
I don’t know… I don’t speak Korean.
What did the Korean man say to his Korean wife after learning English and being separated for three years?
“We’ll never be apart.”

Well, it seems that alternate Ji Yeon is alive and kicking (literally). And, wait for it… island Jin and Sun are back together. FINALLY! I was kind of hoping they’d reunite in an episode of their own. You know… give the reunion a little more oomph. Either way, hope their celebration isn’t cut off too abruptly now that Widmore decided to renig on his “deal” with Sawyer.

Why did the ex-con cross the ocean?
To get to the other side!
Why did the doctor cross the ocean?
Because he had nothing better to do!

That is until he decided his destiny was back on the island. Very interesting that Jack is “officially” with Flocke now.

All together, I thought this was a great episode. Even though the only answer worth anything was that Smokie was the one that posed as Christian back in Season 1, the episode seemed to still cover a lot of ground and set things up for the final four (three?) episodes. What were your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hummm. What left the biggest impression on my was Jack jumping ship. But you're right - there was a whole lot more to that episode. I too was bothered by the easily influenced Claire. Anyway, here's to one more episode closer to the end!
