Wednesday, May 19, 2010

S6E14 - Across the Sea

This episode filled in some blanks on Jacob and his brother's backstory. Guess what else does that... Mad Libs! Print and enjoy.

(body part)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(generic place)
(plural noun)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(plural noun)
(plural noun)
(body part)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(verb end w/ ‘s’)
(verb w/ ‘ing’)
(nonsense phrase)
(body part)
(body part)

Episode Title: “Across the (noun)”

A woman washes ashore. She is obviously (adjective) based on the size of her (body part) and the way she holds it. She (verb end w/ ‘s’) in a nearby stream when a (adjective) woman finds her and assists her to the nearby (generic place) where she lives. Soon she went into labor and gave birth to twin (plural noun). After swaddling one in (color) and the other in (color), the island woman (verb end w/ ‘s’) their mother.

Years later, the boy with (adjective) clothes finds a (noun) washed up on the beach. He asks his brother, Jacob, if he wants to (verb), but makes him swear not to tell their mother. Jacob agrees, but tells her anyway. When she confronts the boy, she tells him that Jacob confessed, claiming he doesn’t know how to (verb). He wonders where he came from, but his mother claims the island is all there is, adding that being (adjective) is something he’ll never have to worry about.

Later on, the brothers are hunting a (animal) when they encounter a group of (plural noun). They run home to tell their mother and she warns them to stay away because all (same plural noun as last) are (adjective), but she assures them she has made it so the two brothers cannot (verb) each other. After some prompting, she finally leads them to a clearing and shows them a (color) (noun) claiming one of them must protect it.

Some time after, the boys are playing (game) on the beach when a woman appears to the nameless brother. She leads him to a place where a small group of (plural noun) live, claiming they are his people and that she is their (adjective) mother. The brother runs home to tell Jacob the truth, but Jacob doesn’t believe him and punches him in the (body part). Their mother breaks up the fight, telling the brother he’ll never be able to (verb). He says it isn’t true and one day he’ll prove it.

As an adult, Jacob goes to visit his brother where he has been living among his people for (number) years. The brother admits that while insane, their mother was right about people being (adjective) and (adjective). Jacob questions why he’s remained so long and the brother explains that his people have found places on the island where metal behaves (adverb) and that he plans to use it to (same verb as last). Jacob informs his mother of the plan and she visits the brother who shows her a (noun) that they will use to harness the power of the island. She promptly (verb end w/ ‘s’) him then (verb end w/ ‘s’) the village.

Afterwards, the mother wakes up Jacob and leads him to the (noun), claiming it’s his time to protect it while warning that he must never use it because it would be worse than (verb w/ ‘ing’). She then pours him a cup of (fluid), chanting “(nonsense phrase)” and tells him to drink. Once he does, she says they are both (adjective).

Upon discovering the wrecked village, Jacob’s brother returns home and stabs his mother in the (body part) with a (noun). Jacob enters and they begin to (verb). Jacob overpowers his brother and drags him to the (body part) of the island where he pushes him into a (noun). After a moment there is a (adjective) noise and a (color) (noun) monster emerges. Jacob discovers his brother’s (noun) lying on the riverbank and—feeling (adjective) about what he has done—takes it home to bury next to his mother’s. His last words to them both are, “(phrase)”.

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