Thursday, April 30, 2009

S5E14 - The Variable

While May 10th marks Mother’s Day this year, this episode begs to celebrate it a touch early. That, plus our second child is due the day after Mother’s Day with the finale coming two days after that and quite frankly, I’m thinking number two will be making its appearance before this season is over and I can’t have such a good theme go to waste…

FINALLY! Someone on this show with mommy issues instead of daddy issues. And boy howdy does he have a bad case.

Exhibit A:
ELOISE: “Hi Danny, it looks like you’re really enjoying the piano.”
DANIEL: “Oh yes, Mother, it’s ever so fun.”
DANIEL: “But Mother…”
ELOISE: “No! Go do some math problems.”

Doesn’t Eloise know that math and music are closely related? Geez, give the kid a break. To her “credit” you can see the pain in her eyes. Who knows, he could have been a world renowned concert pianist or at the very least a popular wedding singer on the weekends. Alas, we’ll never know.

Meanwhile on the island, crazy Faraday tries to warn Chang that they’re all gonna blow sky-high in 6 hours. Oh, and admits he’s from the future and introduces him to his son. Smooth move, dimwit.

Exhibit B:
ELOISE: “About time you graduated.”
DANIEL: “Mom, this is Theresa.”
ELOISE: “Yeah yeah… let’s eat lunch.”
DANIEL: “Table for three?”
ELOISE: “Fat chance. The hussy stays behind.”

So, we see Daniel’s assistant, Theresa, in a non-coma state. Since Eloise has been known to time travel herself (as evidenced from her warning to Desmond back in season 3) perhaps she knew of Theresa’s fate so was trying to do Daniel a favor to spare him the pain of the accident that would put her in a vegetative state and make him an official denizen of Crazytown. Either that, or she was just being a B!TCH.

Exhibit C:
ELOISE: “No matter what, remember I will always love you.”

The inscription she wrote in his journal was poignant considering she knew she was/would be responsible for his death. She must have run out of ink before she could add: “P.S. For instance, like if I shoot you or something.”

Meanwhile, Sawyer introduces Jack to the bound and gagged Phil, “Jack, Phil. Phil, Jack” then has a group meeting with the other LOSTies to decide what to do next. A) Leave on the sub? B) Start over at the beach? Faraday comes in and offers a third option. C) Help me find my mommy?

Exhibit D:
ELOISE: “Hey, I know I’ve pushed and pushed you for years into this career path that is ultimately responsible for making you crazy, and I’ve been thinking recently, why stop there?”
DANIEL: “What? Huh? I’m crazy.”
ELOISE: “Yes, Dear, we’ve covered that. Completely my fault. So, you should take your dad—uh—Mr. Widmore up on his offer.”
DANIEL: “Will it make you proud?”
ELOISE: “Sure. Why not?”

You could almost believe she wanted him to go to the island so that he would be healed. Alas… not so much.

Meanwhile Jack and Kate manage to survive a gunfight and smuggle Faraday out to the others only to discover his plan is to blow up the Swan station with the H-Bomb he asked them to bury. So, what? Faraday is off his Whatever Happened Happened kick? There would be some serious Back-To-The-Future-Disappearing-Marty-McFly action going on if he, or anyone for that matter, were to prevent the hatch from being built. If the “energy” is eliminated, then there is no button to push, then Oceanic 316 lands safely in Los Angeles, then none of them would ever be on the island, meaning they wouldn’t be there “now”. I like my TV and all, but I have no problems throwing a brick at it if they cause a paradox. Oh geez, what if that’s what “the incident” is that messes up the island baby-wise?

Exhibit E:
ELOISE: “What up, Charles?”
CHARLES: “Nothin’. Just chillin’ like a villain. Checkin’ on my son-in-law.”
ELOISE: “He’s fine. Can’t say the same for your biological son, though.”
CHARLES: “Yeah, bummer about that.”
ELOISE: “I know. They grow up so fast.”
CHARLES: “Don’t they?”
ELOISE: “Then they travel back in time.”
CHARLES: “Yeah.”
ELOISE: “Then you shoot them.”
CHARLES: “Kids, right? God love ‘em.”

Okay, so maybe MAYBE Eloise was a little more conflicted about sending Daniel back than that. But still… SHE SENT HIM BACK! Knowing what she knows it begs the question... did him being killed serve some higher purpose or did she just believe “it was his destiny”? At the very least, Daniel deserves a refund on all the Mother’s Day Hallmark cards he wasted on that woman. And of course there is the big reveal that Widmore is Daniel’s father (called it!). Of course we still don’t know who Penny’s mother is, but I’m assuming not Eloise since Ben accused Charles of having a child with an off-islander a few episodes ago. Who knows when anything happened, though, with the gaps in flashbacks. I’m sure the holes will be filled soon enough.

All and all an okay episode. Sad that Daniel is no longer with us, though.
Born 1978
Died 1977
“Time Travel Sucks”

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